Quantum G6 / G7 Diagnostic tool

11. Noise

11.1. Fan Inoperable

Symptom Fan inoperable

Check: The room temperature on the UI, try setting it to max (26) and with “comfort on” being displayed the fan should come on within 1 minute.

Check: Fan is operational? If not check that there is 230V / 240V across the fan terminals.  If yes and fan fails to run, fan is faulty and requires replacement.

Noisy Fan and/or Air Noise.  

Check that all connections to the fan speed resistor, fan, and 3 peak supply limit stats are intact. Also check continuity across all 3 peak supply limit stats, these should be NC. If any connections are adrift, then refit, or if any of the limit stats are faulty then replace as required.

If there is still no supply across fan the swap over CC and see if fault clears, if so the fault is with the CC, if not put the original part back.

Check: Fan for obstructions. If no obstructions replace fan.

NOTE: In order to replace the fan you will require a minimum of 150mm to the right of the Quantum, with the RHS cover panel removed.

Noisy fan (air noise) Check: Fan speed by looking in the configure menu at fan speed settings.

Access the fan speed menu on the UI by pressing and holding the advance button, back and menu button and centre dial together, this will access the Service menu. Scroll to Configure using the dial, then press the centre of the dial (enter) then scroll  to fan speed and adjust as required using the centre dial, once selected press (enter) then the back button twice